

I am super late at getting this out there this year, so I am just choosing to think that I am extra early for next year! :) Piper had two requests for her valentines to all her little friends this year and they were.... Unicorns and Kisses! I wanted her Valentines to reflect who she was at this beautiful age of three, so I told her that those sounded perfect and we headed to the store. To our dismay we couldn't find any Unicorn Valentines anywhere! I had one sad little three year old, so I gave in and decided to make them for her.

They were delightfully cute and she thought they were absolutely perfect for her with a unicorn and a rainbow. Plus I am the worlds biggest fan of silly little puns, like ugly cry laughing over them kind of fan!

I've decided to share this tag for anyone else who has a unicorn valentine loving child! All we did is print and cut the tag, then cut a slightly bigger pink tag out of card stock. We backed our bag with some more pink card stock, filled it with some festive kisses and stapled it all together. All done! Quick and Simple! Click the links below to download the free printable. There are two different versions of the unicorn with both including 3 magically cheesy sayings. Print out as many as you need!
  • You're like a unicorn, pretty & rare!
  • Have a Magical day!
  • You're one a kind!
Unicorn #1 Free Valentine Printable

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